Fanfiction. Lots and lots of fan fiction. Final Fantasy VII fan fiction, as you may have guessed from the title. All written by me (which can be a good or a bad thing, I suppose!), except for a collaboration or two. And some fan art too. (NOT made by me, which is a very good thing!). There are a number of unrelated stories, some funny, some serious, some just plain odd, and also my pride and joy, the ever popular Final Fantasy VII Internet Series.
No music, no hints or tips, no walkthrough. There are plenty of sites out there that cover that, if anyone is still interested. Let's face it, FFVII has been out for quite a while now and is becoming somewhat dated, so I'm sure the number of sites with that information has diminished. Nevertheless, I still think it's the best game around, and FFVII fan fiction still seems to be going strong! There's a good chance, if you're here, that you feel the same way. So, take a look around, and I hope you find the stories entertaining.
ATTENTION: None of the pictures found on this website were created by me. I found all of them from various sources on the web, and most of them did not list the artist. If you see a picture here that is yours, please email me to let me know. I would be happy to give you credit for it or remove it if you wish. I know how hard I work on my stories, and wouldn't want anyone to take them without permission. I certainly wouldn't want to do it to anyone else.